Florissant United Soccer Club Bylaws


Name, and Jurisdiction

Section 1.The name of this organization is FLORISSANT UNITED SOCCER CLUB (hereinafter referred to as “Organization”).

Section 2.This Organization was created and exists solely as a non-profit organization.

Section 3.The territorial jurisdiction of this Organization shall include the St. Louis Metropolitan Area of the State of Missouri.

Section 4.This Organization shall be an affiliated branch of, and comply with, the authority of the United States Youth Soccer Association (U.S.Y.S.A).This organization shall be governed by its by-laws except when these are superseded by the U.S.Y.S.A or the Missouri Youth Soccer Association (M.Y.S.A.).


Articles of Organization & Purpose

Section 1.The Organization exists as a non-profit organization.The articles of this Organization comprise these by-laws.These by-laws may be amended by any General meeting by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present provided that notice of proposed amendment is given to the general membership either in writing or by telephone, no less than ten days in advance of the meeting.

Section 2.A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of by-laws as a substitute for the existing by-laws only by a two-thirds majority vote of the general membership at a General meeting.The requirements for adoption of a revised set of by-laws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment.

Section 3.The purposes for which this Organization is formed are and shall be (a) to teach and promote youth soccer; (b) to teach and promote sportsmanship among our players and parents; and (c) to strive to expand the Organization so that players of all ages, regardless of sex, creed, or color, may have the opportunity to participate.

Section 4. The Organization is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.No part of the income, gross or net, of the Organization will inure to the benefit of any member or group of members of the Organization, or any individual, and the Organization is not organized for profit or to engage in any activity ordinarily carried on for profit.


Composition of the Organization & Basic Policies

Section 1.Membership

A.There shall be three (3) classifications of members in the Organization; (1) Coaches; (2) Players; and (3) Parents of players playing soccer for Florissant United Soccer Club that are involved in promoting youth soccer in the St. Louis area.

B.All coaches must hold a minimum coaching license as required by the U.S.Y.S.A. and M.Y.S.A., prior to receiving final approval of the Board of Directors, to coach in the Organization; and must appear in person when the Board of Directors is voting for acceptance of a coach.

C.All coaches are required to sign and comply with a coaches/club agreement.

D.All coaches/players must participate at a competitive level of soccer at the time of acceptance or within one year of acceptance in the Organization.

E.All members are pledged to uphold and abide by the by-laws of this Organization, the Association in which the player is participating (Metro, S.L.Y.S.A., or S.C.C.Y.S.A.), the Missouri Youth Soccer Association, the United States Youth Soccer Association and F.I.F.A.; and are thereby subject to disciplinary action for cause.

Section 2.Basic Policies

A.The Organization shall be non-commercial and non-partisan.

B.The name of the Organization or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purposes not appropriately related to the purposes of the Organization.

C.The Organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with the members’/players’ welfare.But persons representing the Organization in such matters shall make no commitments that are binding without the authorization of the Board of Directors.


Fiscal Year and Dues

Section 1.Fiscal Year.The fiscal year of the Organization shall be from July 1 through June 30.

Section 2.Club Membership Dues.

A.All players and parents are required, to the best of their ability to participate in all Organization and team fund raising activities.  All teams shall be required to have mandatory participation in fund raising activities as determined by the members prior to each fundraiser

B.All players and parents are responsible for payment of their pro-rata share of team expenses, i.e., registration fees, league fees, tournament fees, and miscellaneous items such as loss or destruction of jerseys.Payment is expected in a timely fashion.

C.All coaches are responsible for their registration fees and the return of uniform jerseys and equipment in reasonable condition.


Disciplinary Action

Section 1.Any conduct of a member, of whatever classification, which violates or is contrary to or inconsistent with the announced purposes of the Organization or its by-laws is ground for disciplinary action.

Section 2.All questions relating to an alleged violation by a member, shall be directed to the Executive Board.The member accused shall be contacted in writing by the Executive Board and if such actions continue, that member shall be required to appear before the Executive Board and disciplinary action is at the discretion of the Executive Board.


Board of Directors

Section 1.The affairs and activities of the Organization shall be administered by a Board of Directors which shall consist of the annually elected Officers together with three elected Directors, plus the immediate past President.Directors shall be elected to serve for three years.

Section 2.Each member of the Board of Directors shall be responsible for one of the following club functions for their term:

A) Club equipment manager, B) Fundraiser manager, C) Attendance prize manager.

Section 3.A vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors between annual elections shall be filled by an appointment made by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term.

Section 4.The office of any member of the Board of Directors who fails to attend three consecutive Board Meetings without a showing of reasonable cause, shall be declared vacant by the Board of Directors and the vacancy will be filled in accordance with Section 2 of Article VI.

Section 5.The Board of Directors shall meet prior to each General meeting and shall meet at the discretion of the President.Upon 48-hours notice (or a waiver of notice secured from each member in lieu thereof), it shall meet upon written request of three members of the Board.

Section 6.One-half of the members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 7.The Board of Directors may take action at a meeting at which a quorum is present upon a majority vote of the Directors present, unless a different percentage is prescribed by these by-laws or by statute.

Section 8.The Board of Directors may hold its meeting either in person or by telephone conference call.Action taken at a telephone meeting shall be effective as if the Directors met in person.

Section 9.The Board of Directors may also take action but without a meeting if the action taken by the Board is set forth in writing, unanimously agreed to and signed by all Directors, and filed with the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 10.All past Presidents are considered ex-officio members of the Board with full voting rights, provided they have attended at least 50% of the Board of Directors meetings during the previous fiscal year (at least six meetings between July and June).



Section 1.A President, Vice President, Vice President of Communications, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected annually in a manner hereinafter provided.They shall each serve for one year (or until their successors are duly elected and qualified) beginning at the conclusion of the June meeting.

Section 2.The President shall be Chairman of the Board of Directors.The President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization and shall be an ex-officio member without vote of all committees, except that he shall not be a member of the Election Committee.

Section 3.The Vice President shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors or of the Organization in the event that the President is, for whatever reason, unable to preside, and shall act for the President at other times when the President is unable to act.The Vice President shall succeed to the office of the President, in the event said office becomes vacant by the death of the incumbent President or by declaration of the Board of Directors.

Section 4.The Treasurer shall receive and have custody of all monies of the Organization, depositing the same in such depository as shall be approved by the Board of Directors and insured by an agency of the United States of America.He/she shall make disbursements for routine expenses except that any item over $500.00 must be approved by the Board of Directors with the exception of the specific items approved at the first Board meeting of the fiscal year.A financial statement shall be presented at each meeting.

Section 5.The Secretary shall keep minutes of all General meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors.A copy of the minutes of each meeting of the Board of Directors shall be forwarded to each Director, prior to the next Board meeting.

The Secretary shall also keep records of membership, send out notices of meetings to members of the Board, committees, and the membership, and execute other general duties of such office.

Section 6.The Vice President of Communications shall be responsible for developing the communication strategy and plans for the organization including the production of materials used for internal and external publicity and promotion.Promoting the positive image of the organization to our members and the community should guide the activities of this individual.

Section 7.All Board members may be compensated for operation costs and other office expense, upon presentation of a receipt.

Section 8.The Board of Directors shall appoint one of its number to assume the responsibilities of any office which may become vacant between annual elections.


Election of Officers and Directors

Section 1.Nominees for the office of President, Vice President, Vice President of Communications, Treasurer and Secretary will preferably be licensed coaches.In the event that alicensed candidate for these positions is not available, nominations will be accepted for non-licensed individuals.Parent members may hold any office in the Organization to which he/she has been duly elected, except committees and offices restricted by the by-laws or regulations to licensed coaches.

Section 2.Nominations for Officers and Directors shall be made in a number and in a manner consistent with Article VI, Section 1 of these by-laws.

The Nominations Committee shall report nominees for Organization offices and directorships during the April meeting.Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the April and May meetings and sample ballots will be thereafter printed.

Section 3.Voting will be by ballot, returned to the Chairman of the Nomination Committee at the June meeting.Voting by ballot will not be required if all Officers and Directors if positions are unopposed.Approval by acclamation will then be acceptable.

A.Election will be held at the June meeting.

B. The Nomination Committee will open the ballots, count same and announce the results.

C.In case of a tie vote for any office, another ballot will be conducted by the Nominating Committee from all members present at the June meeting and the vote of these present will decide the winner.All original ballots are to contain a statement of this provision in the event of a tie vote.

D.Absentee ballots may be cast by qualified members in good standing within 7 days before the annual election.

a) Said ballots will be obtained from the Chairman of the Nominating Committee at a place designated by him/her.

b) The ballot will be sealed in the presence of the Chairman and the voter.

c) This ballot will then be deposited with the Chairman of the Nominating Committee to be opened and counted at the election.

Section 4.Results of Organization elections will be reported to the general membership at the June meeting and mailed to all member coaches within 30 days.

Section 5.Voting.Each team and each officer has one vote, except when an officer is a team representative, he/she then has only one vote.If the coach/manager represents two (2) teams, he/she then has two votes - one vote per team.



Section 1.The Organization shall hold at least eight General meetings a year, one of which shall be in June for election of Officers and Directors.

Section 2.The General meeting shall normally be on the third Sunday of each month.

Section 3.A Quorum at any General meeting shall consist of 50% of the total Organization team representatives, i.e., team manager, team coach, team mother, or a parent authorized by the manager or coach.Because the team mother and/or parent representative will have the power to vote for that team, he/she must be recorded with the Secretary.

The members may take action at a meeting at which a quorum is present upon a simple majority vote of the members present, unless a different percentage is prescribed by these by-laws or by statute.

Section 4.Joint meetings with any other club, or with any other related organization may be arranged by the Organization Officers.

Section 5.Meetings are open to all members of the Organization.However, only Board members have an open floor at the Board meetings.Guests at the Board meetings must be recognized by the Chairperson to speak as an individual member.

Section 6.All meetings are to be conducted according to “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

Section 7.Failure of a team to attend two meetings per fiscal year will result in a minimum fine of $25 per meeting missed (starting with the second missed meeting) and could escalate if attendance does not occur.


Club Publications

Section 1.Membership Roster.The Organization may publish a membership roster for distribution to Organization members and to athletic associations.

Any list of Organization members shall be as current as possible and shall distinguish among Officers, Directors, managers, coaches, team mothers, and team representatives; and must include the coaches license level and age bracket coached.

Section 2.Ad Books, etc.All tournament ad books, brochures, clinic ads, or publications (except ads for try-outs) will be approved by the Board.



Section 1.Standing Committees.To be appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors at the Board meeting in July following the election.

A.Conduct - Required by by-laws, shall consist of a quorum of the Board of Directors.The Committee’s powers and duties shall be as prescribed in Article V, Section 2.

B.Admissions - Required by by-laws, shall consist of a quorum of the Board of Directors.The Committee’s powers and duties shall be as prescribed in Article III, Section 1(B).

C.Club Tournaments - Responsible for the preparation and administration of the annual tournaments.

D.Ad Book - Responsible for the preparation, assemblage, and delivery of ads and data to the printers for printing the ad books.

E.Equipment - Responsible for obtaining information for new uniforms and equipment, and reporting to the Board of Directors for selection thereof.

F.Soccer Camp - Responsible for acquiring camp directors, preparing notices, and obtaining fields for any/all soccer camps held in the name of the organization.

G.Budget - Responsible for an internal audit of finances.

H.Nominating - Shall consist of three members appointed by the President and will be responsible for annual nominations, ballots, and elections as outlined in Article VIII of this Organization’s by-laws.

Section 2.Special Committees.The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint such other special committees as are needed to carry out the functions of the Organization.This would include a By-Laws Committee.

Section 3.Committee Appointments.Members of the standing and special committees shall be members of the Organization appointed by the President.Vacancies in unexpired terms shall be filled by Presidential appointment.

All coach and parent members may serve on committees and hold any office in the Organization to which he/she has been duly elected, except committees and offices restricted by the by-laws.


Financial Policy

Section 1.It shall be the goal of this Organization to establish, as soon as practicable, a reserve of $5,000 to assure continuity of operation, and so that funds will be available if and when needed for special purposes, such as professional assistance, etc.Once such a reserve is established, it shall be the policy to use surplus funds, if any, to further the purposes of the Organization rather than to permit such funds to become sterile in accumulation.

Section 2.The Treasurer shall complete all appropriate documents and Internal Revenue Service forms each year in keeping with Federal and State laws governing non-profit organizations/corporations.

Section 3.No part of the net income of this Organization shall inure to the benefit of any individual member or person.



Section 1.Upon dissolution of the Organization, the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the Organization, dispose of all the assets of the Organization exclusively for the purposes of the Organization in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Trustees shall determine.Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. 

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